Saturday, August 11, 2007


Disease infected now perfected carpel tunnel of the mind
I can’t seem to get these bright spots to shine.
While I rove in these bleakest of nightmares
I giggle to myself thinking someone would care.
Alone, alone, the only way to find peace,
Relaxation is selfish when home is in reach.
Where are these frontal lobe bombs dropping from?
I can tell that something wicked this way comes.
Come forth and break these chains of mine,
Another friend not to care about, I’ll give no mind.
I need that outer space, Gemini, Jedi mind trick kind,
Because these shadows get deeper and darker all the time.
My goodness dribbles while I cauterize,
I’m as sinister as what is behind John Waters’s eyes.
My goodness dribbles while I cauterize,
I’m as sinister as what is behind John Waters’s eyes.

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