Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sidewalks, Cellphones, and Boyfriends

There’s that awkward time of day between morning and afternoon where everything is still but anxious. Even cars seem unwilling to admit that the day has honestly gotten underway and things should be picking up. There’s always people walking down the sides of streets this time of day, always. It is an unwritten rule of society; when people feel uncomfortable for no reason, they walk on sidewalks. This time of days makes you uncomfortable. Especially when it’s humid, and it was when she suddenly had an epiphany.

That no good piece of trash that she’d been calling her man had to die. She was going to kill him. Even if that only meant breaking up with the bastard, she was going to hurt him as much as she could live with. He did her wrong, and that’s just not kosher.

She couldn’t help but think back to last night and the reason she was walking now. He had been an ass. Arrogant and pompous, he was showing off in front of his friends and basically forgot that the girl he said he loved and had been dating for damn near two years was sitting across the room. Alone. Waiting for him to come sit by her while he was laughing and chatting and having an obviously better time. The prick. He invited her over and ignored her. That’s like buying a goldfish just to watch it die. How malicious! The least he could do was check on her once in a while. Ask if she was fine, or if she needed anything. But he wouldn’t, he’s not the type, so he didn’t. So she sat there. The boy would even change rooms without saying anything to her.

It is an unwritten rule of relationships that if you change rooms at a place where your partner is presently located you should tell them. It’s common curtsy. He didn't. He even went outside to smoke. To smoke! Damn it! She hates the smell of cigarette smoke. It was going to get all over his clothes and completely kill any romantic buzz she might have been able to muster later in the night. She wished she drank. Then she could mask her apathy with drunken passion. He’d like it because he likes her, and he likes her how ever he can get her. Pig.

When your phone rings and you’re in nature, even as synthetic a nature that exist on a college campus sidewalk, you feel like you’re intruding, at least a little. So did she when that familiar tune rang out singing that Satan Incarnate was calling. How dare he. She shouldn’t even answer, that’d show him. Treat her like shit, no sir. She’s her own woman. She is strong. SHE IS GOD!


“Hey, it’s me. I’m sorry about last night, I got a little carried away with the boys and kind of ignored you. How about just me and you tonight? Diner and a movie at 8:00?”

“Sure, and hey….”


“I love you.”

1 comment:

Lindsey Jayne said...

If the bottom is your goal then you've missed the point entirely.

I'm a big fan of the description of that morning\noonish time of day.