Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My grandfather told me,
“Son, pay attention: you’ll live longer,”
and I have noticed these things:

The tar on fingertips after a syrup breakfast

The underbellies of pillows, fresh and chilled

The thick breathing in saunas

The nameless sherbet sky-swirls of dusk

The stretching of a kitten lank with youth

The stingy purge demanded by curry

The layers of sweat-musk stacked on mattresses slept bare

The guttural songs slung across gyms

The haze stamped over fall sky planets near cities

The tinge of brokenness in obedient dogs' eyes

The stubble-gruff of three days unshaved

The taste cascade of iced root beer in summer

The branch pecks on windowpanes in November breezes

The crackle of bad joints against exercise

The indomitable cowlicks of a hard sleep

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