Sunday, December 06, 2009

after securing the schooner's failing mast-sail
against the spiking sea-blast of several sea-gales
Skipper demanded he buy the boy a drink,

so amidst the pub's Sunday crowd
Skipper gathered the crew around
and gave the motley bunch a bit of advice,

bending his knees with a crackle and dread
the old man was heard to have basically said:
"there's still death in this boy yet!"

"find him a whore with a fake last name
and if he needs help, aid in the strain,
but let it be known he saved our lives last night!"

"so while he's out taking a piss
let us gather together, the night is his,
and cheer a poor soul that God don't seem to want!"

"for if we be but better men
and not so learned to mortal sin
we might very well be angels now!"

"but thanks to the kid
we were saved from the skiff
and still may serve Poseidon!"

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