Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Nightly Mentioning

when I mention: sitting alone
in a night-dark closet dragging
my eyes down thin florescent slits
peaking around door edges

when I mention: meditative sleep
rapt with fledgling dreams stitched
rough against waking-world flashes

when I mention: thumbprint stained faces
in sepia photographs piled on the floor
as bait for wandering dream-ghosts

when I mention: drawn shades
dangling in muggy-thick window glass

when I mention: headaches and dizzy swirls
from nightlong open eyes saved from blinking

when I mention: cracks in floor tiles
scurrying away in peripherals but remaining
cracks in floor tiles in full focus

When I mention: these things,
I hear you, curled in a blue mink blanket, laughing at black and
white movies; the memories
of sharp nights tucked under your down pillows and happy head.

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