Saturday, April 12, 2008

Windy Fountain Meals

Windy fountain lunches
push tiny water explosions
onto my plate,

and while I eat at my turkey,
lettuce and provolone,
honey-mustard sandwich,

I close my eyes
and smile as
faint splashes whisper

on my face a story
I'll never understand.
The sun ripples off

of fake waves
as the rain-water pond
sways in the breeze,

and the sun seems
like it belongs there,
as part of the water,

not at all like
a surface highlight,
but a cohesive whole.

Even still at night, with
the moonish silver slashes
that ride the ripple-waves then,

but more calm because
windy fountain dinners
have the soothing candlelight

of the stars
with their gentle

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