Monday, January 07, 2008

Watching the Soft Parade

As I watch the Soft Parade
Slowly pass by, I dream of shaman
Getting lost in fantasies
For the good of the people's
Deciphering and symbolizing,
But never learning on looping
Trips through universalities.

And as the marching bands
Phalanxed through, playing
Their silent symphonies,
I thought of bittersweet summers
Spent alone and that slick hope
That the solstice is sure to bring
Of finding a new friend that
Could never trouble nor bother me.

A wrapped-candy rain drenches the children
In the monotone and relentless deaf,
And I learn that love is the unraveling of dualities,
Like the quiet in the clamor that we came for,
Having to watch the Soft Parade go slowly on,
Without a single sound, but all the bells and whistles.

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