Monday, November 06, 2006

How Shallow, How Hollow

How shallow, how hollow
How deep, and how full
Can sorrow, can tomorrow
Can the newest grave grow?
Should tears, should sobs
Should wretches and should pains
Define the hurt that persists
When her sun is hid by the rain?

To stand, to watch
To look, and to remember
Those glory filled months
They’ve had since the Summer.
Her face, her skin
Her eyes and her peace
Are all that remains
In our search for release.

I carried, I held
I cried, and I ached
But it was nothing
When I look back
To how the earth quaked.
She returned, she left
She’s gone, and we miss
Her soft kiss, Her soft touch
Now gone, away from us:
To reminisce, To blush
To remember, To hush.

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